
11.24.08 home zon

Desert driving, mountain driving, bayou driving, beach driving, forest driving...... through this abundance of roadside landscape we have finally touched down in our home zone, rainy and cold. The southern USA paved the way for tour to unravel a dream job. There's nothing like a drive-in movie music show, and the month-long autumn warmth and sun spun a handful of these wicked outdoor shows from New Orleans to Los Angeles.

The last time we were in LA,CA we stumbled through our first earthquakes and this trip kept us high on our natural disaster tiptoes, the city on fire and us breathing in smoky desert fumes. Clearly this is a city that exist by sheer force of will. Powerful human imagination and dedication, but still a mere shadow of awe compared to the ewok villages we discovered in northern california. Trees the size of sandworms.

Now home, time and space are hitting hard. Planet of the apes on a miniature scale. Time to rest and reflect or time to launch deep into new project modes? Both the same?

November Inspirations:
Bounce - A new creole flavor.
Spice Melange - Mysterious powerful dirt.
Ancient Drive-Thru - Even bigger in real life.

Last entry: 10/29/08 NTR SOUTH